
37件中 1 - 20 を表示

[ 図書 ] New terms for new ideas : a study of the Chinese newspaper : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 華英文義津逮The Chinese language and how to learn it : a manual for beginners : 2冊2巻

[ 図書 ] 日漢英語言合璧An English Chinese and Japanese Conversation : 1冊


1918 呉大五郎, 鄭永邦編著


[ 図書 ] 日清英露四語合璧The Japanese Chinese English and Russian Conversation : 1冊


1910 呉大五郎, 鄭永邦編著


[ 図書 ] A Mandarin phonetic reader in the Pekinese dialect : with an introductory essay on the pronunciation : 1冊

[ 図書 ] Japan and the Japanese illustrated : 1冊

Japan and the Japanese illustrated

1874 Aime Humbert, and ed.by H.W.Bates., tr.by Mrs.Cashel Hoey


[ 図書 ] A Grammar of the Chinese language : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 文件字句入門Notes on the Chinese documentary style : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 習讀寫説官話the Chinese mandarin language after Ollendorff's new method of learning language : 2巻2冊

[ 図書 ] 英漢新字彙Webster's Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language Translated into Chinese : 1冊


1917 徐銑, 李文彬;張世鎏, 甘永龍編譯


[ 図書 ] 漢英新辭典A new Chinese-English dictionary : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 新式英華雙解詞典A modern dictionary of the English language with Anglo-Chinese explanation : based upon Webster's new international dictionary : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 英字讀音A primer of English sounds : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 英語週刊彙編第一冊Engish Weekly : Volume1 Second Part(FromNos 27 to 52) : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 英語週刊彙編第二冊Engish Weekly : Volume2 Second Part(FromNos 77 to 100) : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 英語週刊Engish Weekly No.81-No.100 : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 華英諺語新編English and Chinese proverbs : 1冊

[ 図書 ] The evolution of the Chinese Language : 1冊