
10件中 1 - 10 を表示

[ 図書 ] 華英文義津逮The Chinese language and how to learn it : a manual for beginners : 2冊2巻

[ 図書 ] 日清英露四語合璧The Japanese Chinese English and Russian Conversation : 1冊


1910 呉大五郎, 鄭永邦編著


[ 図書 ] 官話類編A Course of Mandarin Lessons, Based on Idiom : 2冊

[ 図書 ] 官話指南The guide to Kuan hua : a translation of the "Kuan hua chih nan" : with an essay on tone and accent in Pekinese and a glossary of phrases : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 達辭字典he "Tah Ts'z" (達辭) Anglo-Chinese dictionary : an English and Chinese dictionary containing numerous sentences illustrating the application of English words and phrases : 2冊2巻


1898 Mok Man Cheung

[ 図書 ] 華英諺語新編English and Chinese proverbs : 1冊

恵超往五天竺国伝箋釈 不分巻

恵超往五天竺国伝箋釈, 不分巻

1910 (日本) 藤田豊八 撰