
14件中 1 - 14 を表示

[ 図書 ] Introduction to the study of the Chinese characters : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 語言自邇集 Yü yen tzŭ êrh chi : a progressive course designed to assist the student of colloquial Chinese, as spoken in the capital and the metropolitan department, in eight parts, with key, syllabary, and writing exercises : 4冊4巻


1867 Thomas Francis Wade


[ 図書 ] 語言自邇集Yü-yen tzŭ-erh chi, a progressive course designed to assist the student of colloquial Chinese, as spoken in the capital and the metropolitan department, in eight parts, with key, syllabary, and writing exercises : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 語言自邇集Yü-yen tzu-erh chi : a progressive course designed to assist the student of colloquial Chinese, as spoken in the capital and the metropolitan department, in eight parts, with key, syllabary, and writing exercises : 2巻2冊

[ 図書 ] 官話指南Koan-hoa tche-nan, Boussole du langage mandarin : 1冊

[ 図書 ] Cours graduel et complet de chinois parlé et écrit : 2巻2冊

[ 図書 ] Cours graduel et complet de Chinois parlé et écrit : 2巻1冊

[ 図書 ] Useful phrases in the Shanghai dialect : with index-vocabulary and other helps : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 法語進階Introduction Àl’étude de la langue Française À l'usage des élèves Chinois : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 法文初範Grammaire Française élémentaire À l'usage desélèves Chinois : 1冊


1924 LE P. L. Tsang, S. J.


[ 図書 ] 英吉利文典English grammar : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 日漢英語言合璧 : 1冊


1906 呉大五郎編著, 鄭永邦


Lessons in Elementary Wen-Li 華文釋義