
7件中 1 - 7 を表示

[ 図書 ] Introduction to the study of the Chinese characters : 1冊

[ 図書 ] 漢英韻府A syllabic dictionary of the Chinese language : arranged according to the Wu-fang yüan yin : 1冊


1909 S.Wells Williams, alphabetically rearranged according to the romanization of Sir Thomas F.Wade by a Committee of the North China Mission of the American Board


[ 図書 ] Cours graduel et complet de chinois parlé et écrit : 2巻2冊

[ 図書 ] Cours graduel et complet de Chinois parlé et écrit : 2巻1冊

[ 図書 ] 英漢成語辭林Dictionary of idiomatic English phrases : 1冊


1909 Edited by DR.W.W.Yen(顔恵慶), James Main Dixon, Translated by Chan Chi Lan(陳蔭明)


[ 図書 ] 英語捷徑初集 : 1冊